sorry it has been a while since i posted, it seemed sort of trite to post about how great we are when that sweet family buried their baby this week.
things for this week
- mags is really frustrated b/c she is about to crawl she is up on her knees rocking back and forth, i will try to get a video of it...
- she is having a hard time sleeping unless she is with me, i think i created a monster. but she slept 12 hours last night when she was in my bed so i think i will deal with it for a while so we can all sleep, to me that is better than having her cry from 3am - 5am. am i wrong in that? probably, but she wont be in the bed with me when she is a teenager right? we will eventually get through this phase
- she is eating solids two times a day and seems to love them
things are good..enjoy the pics i just took about 5 mins ago.....bad lighting :( but cute baby :)