Monday, March 31, 2008

one of the reasons i love having a girl

yes our house has stuff all over the floor, i have decided that during the day it just isnt worth worrying about.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

what did you do for earth hour?

i read by candlelight and then went to bed early. this was a perfect night for me to turn out the lights bc i was so tired! i may need to do it again so i can get the full effect of making a sacrifice.

what did you do last night for earth hour?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

earth hour is tonight!

I pulled this post from crunchy domestic goddess

Can you turn off your lights for just one hour?

Planet Earth

On Saturday, March 29, 2008, people from around the world will join together for Earth Hour 2008 and turn off their lights from 8 to 9 p.m. (your local time) to reduce greenhouse gases and raise awareness about global warming.

Last year Earth Hour 2007 was a Sydney, Australia event where 2.2 million people and 2,100 Sydney businesses turned off their lights for one hour. This year it’s getting worldwide attention and millions of people in some of the world’s major capital cities, including Copenhagen, Toronto, Chicago, Melbourne, Brisbane and Tel Aviv, will unite and turn off their lights for Earth Hour.

If your kids are still up at 8 p.m., you can make Earth Hour into a fun family event.

  • Light some candles (out of reach of the kids)
  • Have a “camp out” in your living room
  • Play a game like Hide and Go Seek
  • Talk about your day
  • Talk with your children about why you are turning off your lights for an hour
  • Try to do their normal bedtime routine in the dark or by candlelight (We did a dry run of this Monday night and Ava loved it!)
  • Go outside and look at the stars
  • Just enjoy the time together

And if your kids are NOT still up at 8 p.m. (lucky!), then by all means, enjoy a nice quiet candle-lit evening with your significant other. I won’t give you a list of activities. Surely you can figure something out. (Makes me wonder if we’ll see an “Earth Hour baby boom” 9 months from now.) ;)

Will you pledge to turn off your lights for just one hour?

  • Sign up for Earth Hour and then tell a friend or two. Together, our small actions can make a big difference.

Earth Hour doesn’t have to end at 9 p.m. on Saturday, you can incorporate it into your everyday life by doing little things like:

  • turn off lights when you leave a room;
  • switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs;
  • turn off appliances when not in use;
  • unplug things like cell phone chargers, the toaster, microwave and TV when they aren’t in use;
  • use less hot water;
  • switch to green power.

Every little bit helps to reduce global warming.

Hope you’ll join me and millions of others in the dark on Saturday! Don’t forget to sign up so you are officially counted.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

picture update from easter weekend

so here are some pics of the babe from easter weekend. she spent most of the weekend at my moms while i worked. i love the first picture. (i am not sure what the problem is with the quality, old film, bad light? poor developing?)

chasing mags

this is the 3rd video today, make sure to scroll down to see them all.

more fun bath time

bday cake video

i know this is a little late. but it isnt that exciting, the girl did not make a mess :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

from our services this weekend

enjoy this video that the amazing staff i work with created ~

Sunday, March 23, 2008

bragging on the babe

so i have some cute pics to come tomorrow but i have to brag on my babe!! she said meow!! my dad was reading to her and pointed to the kitty and said "what does a kitty say?" and she said eowww. she has been doing this squeal thing for awhile whenever she sees the cats but i just thought she was excited! but oh no the girl was meowing the whole time and i didnt know it.

she also did the sign for please the other day when she wanted her water cup. my mom also said that she said bubble the other day when they were playing with the bubbles outside!!

such a big girl!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

good friday

we are celebrating good friday tonight at my church with a communion service and a lot of amazing artistic elements. paintings, words on the screens, music, spoken word and video. what will you do tonight for good friday?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

1 year dr appt

i totally forgot to post mags stats from the dr the other day, she weighs 22 lbs and is 30.5 inches tall. not sure of the % for each area but there you go. really this post is for my mom and grandmom.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

c's bball bracket with ragamuffin and crew

this is what c's predication is for all the upcoming basketballs games. carlos is hosting a bracket over at his blog. you have to click on this image to see the choices. i predict c will go all the way. i will keep you posted as his team choices move forward.

the babe said.....

UP today!!! whoo hoo! i think she has said duck and dog in the past but I KNOW she said up today. i was getting her out of the car and said arms up and she said up!!

so that is mama, dada, nonono and up! 4 down 100000000 more to go.

Monday, March 17, 2008

best shot monday ~ big girl

so i cant believe that my sweet baby is ONE!! wow. i love this picture of her from her party. she is such a punkin. does she look look like a big girl here or what?? wanna see more cute pics? click here.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

new member of grey's

i think this actually turned out pretty good! if you want to waste some time too visit

Friday, March 14, 2008

wanna win some cool stuff

then check out this post, or visit her blog

I love giving away Watkins products! This seemed like the perfect time to give a product assortment away.

My Chrys An The Moms/In The Kitchen Blog has a new name and a new template and Spring arrives Thursday, March 20th. To celebrate my new blog look and the arrival of Spring I’m giving away a planter of products! Take out the products and use the planter for your Spring flowers.

The assortment includes:
Aloe and Green Tea Shea Butter
Peppermint Foot Cream
Peppermint Room Freshener
Shredsoap Linen Spray
Vanilla Extract (2 fl. oz. bottle)
Clear Vanilla Extract (2 fl. oz. bottle)
Hazelnut Extract (2 fl. oz. bottle)
Cinnamon (6 oz. tin)
Sesame and Garlic Snack and Dip Seasoning
Oregano (tin)
Ginger (tin)
Paprika (tin)
Soup and Vegetable Seasoning (jar)

The value of the assortment is $80.87! All are full-sized products, not samples.

This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada.

To enter:
1. Write a post about the Watkins Spring Giveaway on your blog.
2. Leave a comment below that you have posted about the giveaway on your blog.
3. Send an email to giving me your email address so I can contact you if you are the winner.

If you place an order for Watkins products with me, you will automatically be entered in the drawing for the planter assortment. My Watkins ID# is 335001. You can place your order at, by phone (Watkins order entry 1-800-928-5467), or by mail to Watkins Incorporated, P.O. Box 5570, Winona, MN 55987-0570. Please give my ID# 335001.

I’ll choose a winner at the end of the day on March 20th and post the winner here on March 21st!

just born

this post is a little late bc yesterday was her bday but for some reason i was exhausted all day yesterday, maybe it was the the thought that i have a 1 year old that did it?? :)

these pictures are of the hospital when she was just born

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

one year ago

we were waiting for our little peanut to come into the world. i had a csection so we had a scheduled delivery. i was anxious and excited. hopeful and scared. i was anxious and scared of the csection itself bc i had heard some crazy stories. i was excited and hopeful to meet my little peanut. i couldnt wait to get my hands on her. i wanted to know what she looked like. i wanted to know how much she weighed. i wanted to smell her and kiss her and feel her in my arms. i wanted to feel that feeling that everyone talks about when you are a mommy. i couldnt sleep that night. my stomach hurt. i had butterflies. i couldnt believe that i was finally going to be a mommy.

works for me wednesday ~ oven burn

so the other day while making food for my daughters 1st bday party i was cooking a pizza. after taking it out of the oven for the first time i decided it need to be cooked more. so i reached in the oven and pulled out the pizza pan with my bare hand. after holding it for about 3 seconds i realized it was still hot :)!!!

OUCH! so i of course freaked out a little bc i just knew i was going to have a huge blister right in the middle of where your thumb and first finger meet bc that is where the majority of the pan touched. i also had burn circles on the ends of the tips of my fingers from the circles in the pan.

so i ran my hand under cold water while holding an ice cube. my dad got some bleach bc we heard that takes the sting out of burns. well it didnt really help at the time but i think it did in the long run. after about 15 mins of cold water i went back and forth between putting aloe on my and holding a cold diet dr pepper can this worked well to get that crease in my hand.

the whole party i went back and forth between these two things cussing myself the entire time for being an idiot!

well that night NO BURN!!

i really think all the things that i did worked for me to keep my hand from blistering! if you want more great tips be sure to visit Shannons site at rocksinmydryer.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

birthday party pics

picture collage we have in her room, i pulled it out so everyone could see the babe over the year. if you click on it you can enlarge it and see all the pics.

look how big she looks!! like a little girl. she is sitting in her new macdaddy wagon she got for her bday gift from mommy and daddy. it is a radio flyer one with a canopy.

more cracker pics


friend paige



more cake

scary cake face

this is about as messy as it got

she didnt do the cake in the face thing

look at those cheeks

yummy :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

cracker face

this is her new thing, putting WHOLE items in her mouth. today while eating toddler cheese puffs by gerber she put 3 in her mouth at once. but it does make a cute picture. i love this picture i will submit it for my best shot for this Monday.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

turning one

so tomorrow we are celebrating maggiemae's birthday. her bday isnt until next week but a good friend of mine is having a baby shower next sat so we planned our party early :)

i wanted to ask all you other moms out there what you did or what you are doing for your party. or are you even having one? we are having a few good friends over and some fam with some yummy food and of course cake so we can watch the babe get all cakey! but that is about it. should i do more? what did you do??

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


i found a website from a mom who spends a lot of time finding bargains for us! she is all about CVS lately. one cool thing they are offering right now is free prints if you order on line.

i just finished my order and i am getting 50 free pictures. for those of us that take a lot of digital pics that is huge!

so if you want to take advantage of this offer go to CVS at the following link

she found all kinds of ways to get more prints so visit her site if you want to try to get 95 pics.

one of the steps (#3) requires that you attend a picture class, so by pass that one. but you can get the extra 10 and the extra 15. i forgot to get the extra 15 and didnt see the link she was talking about for the extra 10.

anyway, if you just click on the first link i posted you can at least get 50. they will be ready in an hour at your neighborhood CVS!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

finally more pictures

i realized the other day that i had not posted pics of the cute babe in a are some recent ones as we approach her 1st birthday!!

i know i am so cute, what do you want to do about it??

the promised curls pic, thankfully she got her daddys hair, since mommys hair is pin straight ~ what does pin straight mean anyway?

we have had a lot of baths lately

these are recent pics of play time

no more pics mom!!