Sunday, July 29, 2012

friends from prek

Maggies classmates waiting for their diplomas!

Maggie and her BFFB - best friend forever boy - Bryce. We LOVE us some Bryce!

Ms. Shirley and Ms. Erica
         BFFG - best friend forever girl - Emily!

William and the big kids! He almost looks like he could fit right in!

Williams last walk down the hall!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


my sweet girl accepting her diploma, so glad its only the prek version, not ready for this girl to grow up. how is it that she is already 5! 
i remember seeing other friends kids going into prek and kindergarten years ago when maggie was a little baby and couldnt even see the day she would be that old. 
now look at her! im so proud of her. even in all of the drama, tears and whining, 
i love that girl more than life!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

prek graduation

well seeing as NO ONE commented on the last post, im not sure anyone is even reading this blog anymore, but for those of you who may still stop by now and then to see how the kids are,
 maggie graduated from prek. 
i know its been a few months since she graduated and we are actually getting ready to send her off to kindergarten, but still prek graduation is a huge milestone, so i must document it!

here she is the morning before. we tried to something fun and pinterest inspired but failed bc i made the letters too big and you cant see the date but oh well. she didnt care, 
as you can tell the girl is not camera shy :)