Thursday, April 30, 2009

saggy pants

i think baby needs some new jeans :) they are way too short but huge in the waist!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


our flowers are blooming!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

crazy girl

as if you didn't already know that. she has discovered my back and my shoulders. and likes to limb on them anytime. like right now she just climbed up in the chair and got on my shoulders and started to "get me". she is a hoot. what a fun self portrait of us!!!

another hilarious thing she did this morning that i WISH i had on film was: i was cleaning the floor and there was a random cheeto on the floor so she walked over to it, squatted down and leaned over like a dog and picked it up with her mouth and ate it. it was hilarious. i guess she didnt want me to get it with the vacuum. it all happened in about 4 seconds and then she made the funniest face with her eyes closed and her cheecks puffed out like her mouth was full but really it was only a tiny cheeto. {and in case anyone is wondering, it was a fresh cheeto not a random old one, she had a cheeto snack this am, i am that mom :) }

to see more self portraits visit i heart faces!

Friday, April 17, 2009

date night with mommy

me and bug had some quality time today. we went to the forum near our house and had dinner, walked around, got candy, bought a new bathing suit for her AND played in the water!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

rain rain go away

went to savannah to pick up my bug on sunday. we drove home on monday. this is what the majority of the first 2 hours looked like. YUCK!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009


i love this picture of my bug and her bud. she loves her friend so much. this was taken on pj day at school. to see more pics of friends go to iheartfaces.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ob {grandpa} and his girl

i love that my dad and my bug love each other so much!!! this pic is from them on her birthday!!